IAMSAR Solutions News

ICAO North America Central Caribbean SAR workshop

IAMSAR Solutions was recently invited to attend the ICAO NACC SAR workshop held in Mexico City, Mexico. This was a first for a private corporation to be asked to attend…

Royal British Virgin Islands Police SAR training

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has signed an agreement with the Royal British Virgin Islands Police towards the provision of SAR training for its personnel. Like many of…

Qatar SAR training multi-year contract

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has entered into a long-term contractual agreement with TechnoSciences (TSi) of Maryland towards the continued provision of SAR training to the personnel from…

Brunei maritime Week 2024

The IAMSAR Solutions team has been invited to participate in the Brunei (that is in SouthEast Asia) Darussalam Maritime Week Annual event. Our CEO Mr. Jean Houde had the opportunity…

Maritime accidents forensic analysis- New Zealand

The IAMSAR Solutions team was instrumental in the reconstruction of a maritime SAR incident off the coast of New Zealand where the vessel “Enchanter” and his master were the subject…

Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard multi-year SAR training contract

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has signed a multi-year training agreement with the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard (DCCG). This 4 year contract includes the delivery onsite of a…

Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team delivered another SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) course to the Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority. In addition to the standard course curriculum, this is a special 4-week course…

JRCC Curacao SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed another Search and Rescue training session with the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Curacao. This is our third year training this organization via a multitude…

ARCC Latvia SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed another Search and Rescue training session with the Latvian State Border Guard. This is our fifth year training this organization. The LSBG is also in…

ARCC Belgium SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed a 4-week SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) course delivered onsite in Beauvechain to the personnel of ARCC Belgium. This course was specifically designed for this organization…

ICAO Europe Asia pacific SAR workshop

IAMSAR Solutions was recently invited by ICAO to attend ICAO Europe Asia Pacific SAR workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan. We are extremely honoured to participate and present at this prestigious event.…

Thailand SAR training

13 Sept 2024, Bangkok, Thailand. The IAMSAR Solutions team completed another SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) course, delivered as usual in person at the client’s location. This time, veteran Canadian SMC…

IMRF membership

We are pleased to announce that we have been accepted as part of the International Maritime Rescue Federation. Our contribution to the world of aeronautical and maritime SAR does not…

FREE Online SAR course- 76 organizations attended worldwide!

Giving back to the search and rescue (SAR) community. IAMSAR Solutions hosted a free online SAR training seminar 14-15 May 2024 on the basics of SAR. We had an overwhelming…

Marine Mobile facility course

NEW SAR course offering: Marine Mobile Facility course. This is a tailor-made course specific to each receiving organization whereby Search and Rescue Units (SRU) benefit from academic instruction plus 3…

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has engaged into a long-term strategic partnership with TechnoSciences Inc. (TSi)

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has engaged into a long-term strategic partnership with TechnoSciences Inc. (TSi), a world leader in the development, production and distribution of COSPAS-SARSAT ground…

FREE SAR training- Help standardize SAR

As part of our charitable work towards improving SAR on a global scale, the team has decided to offer a free 2-day online SAR training seminar scheduled 14 and 15…

Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand and SAR training

IAMSAR Solutions recently delivered another excellent course to the personnel of CAAT. Mr. Daniel Chicoyne shared all his SAR knowledge in Bangkok via the SAR Mission Coordinator course. This course…

Belgium Fundamentals of SAR course

The team is engaged in delivering an online FSAR course to personnel from both MRCC Oostende and ARCC Brussels in Belgium. This entry-level course is ideal to lay a solid…

Netherlands Coast Guard and SAR training

IAMSAR Solutions is already in its 4th year of partnership with the Dutch Coast Guard. We recently completed another round of SAR training to the JRCC DenHelder personnel. This collaboration…

Qatar Doha JRCC SAR workshop

The IAMSAR Solutions team just returned from Doha, Qatar after completing a 5-day training and workshop on Cospas-Sarsat and international SAR. President and CEO Mr. Jean Houde was assisted by…

Curacao Maritime Search Planning

Feb.2024. IAMSAR Solutions completed another Maritime Search Planning course session for JRCC Curacao personnel. Delivered onsite, the MSP course primarily focuses on maritime SAR activities from the initial onset of…

United Nations, Belgium, Latvia SAR training contracts

Due to its undisputed worldwide reputation as a leader in SAR training, IAMSAR Solutions continues to secure many SAR training contracts with different organizations. This is the recent volley of…


The IAMSAR Solutions team is delivering its first SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) training session to the personnel of JRCC Curacao. This is part of an effort to standardize training and…


IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has obtained a contract from Honeywell to provide search and rescue training to all personnel from Canadian Joint Rescue Coordination Centers (JRCC) and…


IAMSAR Solutions recently completed another SAR training session for a group of students from MRCC Mombasa. This additional course is part of a long-term commitment contract to institute a new…


IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to announce it has been selected by Honeywell Global Tracking to provide all search and rescue training related to the 2022 contract award by the Government…

Belgium ARCC and MRCC Fundamentals of SAR training

IAMSAR Solutions recently completed a virtual FSAR course to a group of 15 students from both organizations. Students learned about the SAR system nationally and internationally, the basics of aeronautical…


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEIAMSAR SOLUTIONS is pleased to announce it has entered a long-term agreement with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UN MINUSMA) for the provision of…

Curacao SAR Mission Coordinator training

IAMSAR Solutions is pleased to report it has reached an agreement with the Dutch Ministry of Defense for the provision of SAR Mission Coordinator training for the Joint rescue Coordination…