Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team delivered another SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) course to the Bahrain Civil Aviation Authority. In addition to the standard course curriculum, this is a special 4-week course which includes an additional week of practical exercises and...

JRCC Curacao SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed another Search and Rescue training session with the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Curacao. This is our third year training this organization via a multitude of courses. The Maritime Search Planning (MSP) course is a follow-up...

ARCC Latvia SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed another Search and Rescue training session with the Latvian State Border Guard. This is our fifth year training this organization. The LSBG is also in charge of aeronautical SAR so the SAR Mission Coordinator course is well...

ARCC Belgium SAR training

The IAMSAR Solutions team completed a 4-week SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) course delivered onsite in Beauvechain to the personnel of ARCC Belgium. This course was specifically designed for this organization with practical segments and simulations based on their area...